Active Citizenship

Active Citizenship

Using the Active Citizenship Resource

This resource includes nine units of work. Each unit has:

  • an animation lasting 3–5 minutes that you can use as a lead-in;
  • three lesson plans that include suggested teaching and learning strategies;
  • resource sheets for pupils;
  • the transcript of the animation, for your reference; and
  • links to websites that provide background information.

The Launch–Activities–Debrief lesson model

All 24 lessons are divided into the following stages:

Launch: Use this stage to set up the learning as a challenge for the pupils and engage their interest.

Activities: Engage pupils in activities or challenges that allow them to develop knowledge, understanding and a particular skill or capability.

Debrief: This stage is an opportunity for pupils to reflect on their learning and promotes a language for talking about what has been learned.

Throughout the lessons we provide possible answers and discussion points to support teachers. Please note these are only suggestions and are provided to allow teachers to prepare for answers the pupils might provide. There are also ideas or prompts to facilitate class discussions, as there may be no right or wrong answer, and frequent opportunities to use effective questioning.

The activities in these units support enquiry-based, active teaching and learning approaches. Pupils can develop knowledge and understanding alongside skills and capabilities, as well as attitudes and dispositions. The units also support independent learning.

These resources can support teachers to meet the statutory requirements of Key Stage 3 Local and Global Citizenship

Controversial Issues

These units provide opportunities to teach controversial issues around a range of topics such as paramilitarism, lawfulness and policing.

Teaching young people about controversial issues will help to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to play an active role in society. They should be given opportunities to take part in discussions, present reasoned arguments, and listen to and respect others’ views. Teaching these issues will encourage them both to express their ideas and to participate in the democratic process.

See also our teaching controversial issues training resources and guidance: