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Drama activities encourage children to engage with their emotions and intellect, expressing their thoughts and feelings through voice and movement in an imagined context. They give children opportunities to explore, develop and express ideas and concepts, helping them to develop life skills and make sense of reality.

During the Foundation Stage, children will have engaged in a variety of play activities that encourage them to try out many roles in familiar contexts. They will also have developed their imaginative and creative skills by responding to unknown situations.

At Key Stages 1 and 2, children start to refine their skills of understanding and analyse, compare and discuss their feelings with others. At Key Stage 1, teachers can use strategies such as tableau, freeze frame and hot seating, adding thought tracking and conscience alley at Key Stage 2. These and other strategies develop children’s creativity and extend their learning through practical and active experience.

Throughout these key stages, children’s observation skills become more structured in script work and polished improvisation. Their vocal and movement skills become more sophisticated in terms of audience, and evaluation skills become more focused on negotiation, co-operation and sharing.


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