Using ICT

Summative Judgement of Pupil Achievement in Using ICT

The overall summative level that teachers assign for Using ICT should be based on a pupil’s performance in all 5 ‘E’s.

Pupils might be performing at different levels in the various ‘E’s. When this happens, they need to have been assessed at or above the level teachers award in at least three ‘E’s, which must include Explore (both bullet points) and Express. (This is because Explore and Express form the core of most activities that pupils are involved in.) For example:

  Pupil A Pupil B Pupil C
Explore (both bullet points) Level 5 Level 2 Level 5
Express Level 4 Level 2 Level 4
Exchange Level 3 Level 3 Level 3
Evaluate Level 4 Level 3 Level 3
Exhibit Level 3 Level 3 Level 3
Overall Level Awarded Level 4 Level 2 Level 3

Desirable Features

The Desirable Features are non-statutory guidance statements that describe what the standards for different types of ICT look like in practice. They align with the Levels of Progression and give a context for classroom work. Teachers will find them useful when assigning a level to a pupil’s piece of work, as they can use the statements to see what is desirable in that ICT activity at each level.

Desirable Features guidance is available for primary teachers for these types of ICT.

  • Computational Thinking and Coding
  • Digital Art and Design
  • Digital Audio: Music and Sound
  • Digital Storytelling: Film and Animation
  • Digital Storytelling: Presenting
  • Digital Storytelling: Publishing
  • Managing Data.

External Moderation for Using ICT

In March, once every three years, schools must submit samples of pupil work to CCEA that represent the levels which the school intends to award to its Year 4 and Year 7 pupils for Using ICT. The pupil work that schools submit to us as part of the external moderation process should reflect the school’s shared understanding of the standards agreed through ongoing internal standardisation.

Using ICT Evidence Required for External Moderation

Each school submission for Using ICT should include a total of five pieces of pupil work at each level the school intends to report in Year 4 and Year 7.

For example, the submission for a school intending to report Levels 2, 3 and 4 should include a total of 15 pieces of work.

Within the five pieces provided at each level, evidence should be visible for:

  • Explore (both bullet points of Explore at the level);
  • Express (at the level); and
  • at least two different types of ICT.

Please note that:

  • evidence of Level 1 is not required;
  • the pieces of pupil work can come from any year group in the school – they do not have to be the work of only Year 4 and Year 7 pupils; and
  • the five pieces of work at each level can be made up solely from CCEA Using ICT Tasks or classroom activities, or a combination of both.

See the Using ICT Moderation 2019/20 guidance booklet for more information.

Moderation Follow-Up

This only applies to those schools whose understanding of the standards has not been verified at moderation. Schools can normally access follow-up support from CCEA moderators during June and September.

Forms for External Moderation Submissions

Schools will need to include the forms listed below with their moderation submission for Using ICT: