Level 1 Preparation for Adult Life (2013)

CCEA Awards and Certificates in Preparation for Adult Life are available at Level 1 and Level 2. Each qualification includes units on Citizenship, Employability, and Personal and Social Development.

This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Learning for Life and Work Area of Learning.

Assessment is portfolio based; learners produce evidence that shows how they have met the assessment criteria for each unit. Teachers or course tutors assess the portfolios, and we carry out external moderation. There is no examination or test in these qualifications.

To achieve an Award in Preparation for Adult Life, learners must complete six units: two from each of the three groups below. To achieve a Certificate, they must complete all 13 units.


  • Unit 1: Diversity and Social Inclusion
  • Unit 2: Democracy and Democratic Participation
  • Unit 3: Human Rights and Social Responsibility
  • Unit 4: Equality and Social Justice


  • Unit 5: Preparation for Work
  • Unit 6: Business in the Community
  • Unit 7: Effective Work Practice
  • Unit 8: Globalisation and the Labour Market

Personal and Social Development

  • Unit 9: Self-Development
  • Unit 10: Roles and Responsibilities of Parents
  • Unit 11: Healthy Relationships
  • Unit 12: Maintaining Personal Health and Well-Being
  • Unit 13: Effective Financial Management.

Current Specification

First teaching: from September 2013
QAN award: 600/8589/7
QAN certificate: 600/8590/3
Subject code: N/A
Total qualification time: (Award - 60) (Certificate - 130)
Guided learning hours: (Award - 60) (Certificate - 130)
Qualification level: 1

Skills developed through Preparation for Adult Life

This specification builds upon the broad objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and enables learners to develop as individuals and contributors to the economy, society and environment. It recognises the development of knowledge and skills to operate independently and effectively in life, learning and work. These include personal skills such as self-awareness, personal health and relationships, as well as employability skills and the effective use of technology.

For more information on this specification contact:

Christine Moorhead
Subject Officer
(028) 9590 6705
Louise Millar
Specification Support Officer
(028) 9026 1410