
Do you have the unique selling point?

Published: 20/08/2024, 12:45pm

German is the most sought after second language. Learn German for enrichment, improved understanding and broadening of opportunities and horizons.

The GCHQ National Language Competition 2024

Published: 29/04/2024, 12:00pm

We are pleased to confirm the date of the 2024 GCHQ National Language Competition, which will run from Monday 18th November - Friday 22nd November.

The National Language Competition (NLC) is a virtual competition where teams from schools around the UK compete against each other to solve language-based puzzles and score points. The overall winners are then invited to GCHQ’s headquarters in Cheltenham to receive their trophy!

With the NLC, GCHQ aims to inspire language learning by encouraging students to discover their aptitude for learning languages. Some sample challenges are provided below- why not encourage your pupils to have a go?

Teachers can register their interest in the NLC 2024 by contacting [email protected]

Please contact us on [email protected] if you have any other issues or queries.

Journey to Change - live-streamed trip around the world

Published: 19/01/2024, 2:00pm

Exclusive opportunity for young people aged 14-19 go on a live-streamed virtual trip and explore the impacts of overconsumption on communities around the world.

Your pupils are invited to discover more first-hand and visit the countries and sites affected by overconsumption and interacting with experts joining directly from second-hand clothes markets and landfills. In collaboration with Globe from Home, Journey to Change aims to raise awareness of sustainable practice beyond the classroom and facilitate intercultural dialogue between young people from the UK and Germany to come up with solutions for a sustainable future together.

This is not to be missed! There are two upcoming virtual trips for pupils to take part in:

  • Re-thinking fashion (industry)
    Friday, 19 January 2024 1.45-3.15 pm (online – Zoom), with short warm-up session the evening before
  • Food and food waste
    Friday, 26 January 2024 1.45-3.13 pm (online – Zoom), with short warm-up session the evening before

If you have any questions about the event you can also contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Upcoming events hosted by the British Council

Published: 19/01/2024, 12:45pm

Check out upcoming events hosted by the British Council.

International Education Week - Languages

Published: 14/11/2023, 11:30am

This is International Education Week. Please check out all the resources available from the British Council.

The Languages Gateway

Published: 08/11/2023, 2:30pm

A very useful source for resources and information for languages has recently been launched - The Languages Gateway.

The GCHQ National Language Competition 2023

Published: 05/10/2023, 3:00pm

GCHQ, one of the UK’s intelligence agencies, is running a National Language Competition from 6th-10th November aimed at pupils in Year 9 in England and Wales, Year 10 in Northern Ireland, and S3 in Scotland.

Schools can enter multiple teams of up to four pupils to take part. Over the course of five days, the teams will score points by tackling a variety of fun, immersive, language-themed challenges of varying difficulty levels hosted on a virtual platform.

All pupils will be able to take part, no prior knowledge is required, only a keenness for languages.

The winning team with the most points at the end of the competition will be invited to GCHQ’s Headquarters in Cheltenham and will be presented with their trophy!

Update from British Council

Published: 02/10/2023, 6:00pm

Get ready for International Education Week 2023!

British Council International Education Week will take place from 13 to 17 November 2023 and this year will be celebrating international partnerships.

Youthbridge – Support for German in Your School

Published: 17/10/2022, 4:30pm

Youthbridge is the schools’ network of the British-German Association which supports and encourages German in UK schools, mainly in the secondary sector.

  • The annual Youthbridge Awards scheme, which provides cash prizes and certificates for in-school projects which schools are encouraged to run at option times to build enthusiasm and interest. Details and examples of these can be found on our website.
  • Advising and supporting schools to make the case for the teaching of German;
  • Bi-monthly newsletter on German studies;
  • Free access to British-German Association on-line events;
  • Exclusive access to Dresden Trust scholarships, providing 100% funding to study for three or four weeks at a school in Dresden. The Dresden Trust also offers Youthbridge school groups financial support to visit Dresden;
  • Financial help for language study visits and exchanges with Germany;
  • Subsidising German days or masterclasses in schools – such as travel for participants and speakers, and related costs;
  • Helping to organise, and subsidising, visits to German companies in the UK, such as the Mini plant in Oxford;
  • Subsidising “German in London” days, for instance to the Siemens’ “Crystal” exhibition on sustainable cities, the Goethe Institut, or the German Embassy;
  • Funding teachers or 6th form pupils to visit feeder schools to encourage them to take up or continue with German; and
  • Helping to provide contacts in business, industry and the media who can bring home to pupils the vital importance of a knowledge of German.

How to join Youthbridge?

Just send an email to [email protected] and ask for your school to be added to our mailing list.

Please include your name, role, the name of your school and your school e-mail address. There is no membership fee.

Updates from the British Council

Published: 26/08/2022, 1:00pm

CCEA Education Team (Languages) would like to make language teachers aware of news, events, language and exchange programmes organised by the British Council.

Language and exchange programmes organised by UK-German Connection

Published: 10/08/2022, 2:50pm

CCEA Education Team (Languages) would like to inform teachers of language and exchange programmes organised by UK-German Connection.

UK-German Connection is dedicated to increasing contacts and understanding between young people in the UK and Germany. It supports partnerships, offers intercultural opportunities, and facilitates connections between schools, youth groups and young people themselves in both countries.

What is available?

  • Programmes, seminars & trips for schools & colleges, youth groups & young people;
  • Networks for young people & teachers;
  • Funding for schools & youth groups to run joint activities, projects & trips; and
  • Advice, practical examples & support for school & youth partnerships.

Would you like a boost of authentic German cultural input in your school? Host a teacher from Germany for one, two or three weeks during the academic year for free with our programme that supports language learning and professional development and provides pupils with a real-life learning context for German language and culture. In co-operation with the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst.

Who can take part?

  • The programme is open to all primary and secondary schools and further education colleges in the UK.
  • Teachers of any subject can take part, and German does not need to be offered at your school.

Apply by 27 September 2022 to host a teacher in the spring or summer term.

UK-German Connection are running Q&A webinars for you to find out more about the programme at 5-5.30pm on:

  • 7 September 2022;
  • 12 September 2022; and/or
  • 20 September 2022.
UK-German Connection Host a Teacher
UK-German Connection: Host a Teacher from Germany

UK-German Connection offer a range of funding programmes for primary and secondary schools, colleges and youth groups to support (virtual & face-to-face) UK-German partnership projects, visits and exchanges:

  • Partnership Visit Fund - Supports staff planning visits between partner schools & youth groups (rolling deadline; apply at least 6 weeks in advance of the visit).
  • Instant Impact - Supports first-time taster trips to a partner school or youth group (rolling deadline; apply at least 6 weeks in advance of the visit).
  • Flexible Funding Scheme - Supports small and large-scale thematic partnership projects & visits, with funding of up to £10,000 available. (Next deadline: 31 October 2022).

UK-German Connection also offers School Partnership Bursaries to help schools maintain existing links. Applications open in October 2022.

If you are interested in funding opportunities with UK-German Connection, but unsure which programme to apply for, complete the project outline form to receive tailored advice.

This opportunity is open to English & German Language Assistants working in the other country. The programme provides them with the chance to meet each other, partner up and run small joint projects, activities, events or clubs in order to inspire and motivate young people. UK-German Connection provide Ambassadors with webinars and seminars, a project fund, and check-in calls and support.

Applications open in September 2022.

Advisory service for school and youth partnerships

UK-German Connection help! - Whether you are just starting out in a partnership, planning a project, exchange or virtual activity, are facing challenges, or looking to apply for funding, UK-German Connection are here to support you at any stage of your journey. Get in touch for personal and tailored guidance.

Café Connect for partnerships - Connect with a partner school or youth group in Germany in a safe and informal virtual space via Café Connect sessions. UK-German Connection set up and host the online get-together for your young people to build connections through interactive activities and group discussions.

Opportunities for young people

German language and culture courses - These language and culture courses take part either online or in various locations throughout Germany and give young people the chance to put their German skills into practice and immerse themselves in the language with like-minded peers:

Youth events - UK-German events, competitions & initiatives - both face-to-face & virtual - for young people to exchange on & learn about different themes whilst also exploring the other culture and language through joint activities.

Cafe Connect - For individual young people, this online cultural exchange ‘café’ provides an opportunity to meet and chat with UK and German peers on topics of interest in a relaxed atmosphere. Young people can practise their German skills, make new friends and take part in intercultural activities.

Digital resources:

Voyage kids - For primary school children and teachers, the site includes games, easy language activities and topics focusing on intercultural awareness and learning.

Still & Sparkling - Newsletter by young people for young people - with UK-German stories, interviews, & opportunities.

UK-German Connection
UK-German Connection: Opportunities for young people

Keep in touch with Uk-German Connection

Visit UK-German Connection at a glance for an overview of the virtual, face-to-face & hybrid options to help young people, schools & teachers keep connected with Germany.

Teachers can sign up to the UK-German Connection newsletter to be kept up-to-date with their activities.

Young people can register their interest to be the first to hear about upcoming UK-German Connection opportunities.

NICILT has created a summer challenge activity booklet for pupils in years 8 & 9 studying French, German, Irish and Spanish

Published: 16/06/2022, 9:00am

CCEA Education Team (Languages) would like to inform you that this year, NICILT has created a summer challenge activity booklet for pupils in years 8 & 9 studying French, German, Irish and Spanish

NICILT Teacher Professional Learning Webinars with Joe Dale

Published: 05/01/2021, 4:55pm

CCEA Education Team (Languages) would like to inform languages teachers of three twilight professional learning webinars offered by NICILT in collaboration with Joe Dale:

Quizzing tools and retrieval practice in MFL
Monday 11th January, 8pm – 9pm:

Hybrid teaching for Roomies and Zoomies
Monday 18th January, 8pm – 9pm:

Harnessing the power of Bitmojis and Jamboard to engage learners in and out of the MFL classroom
Monday 25th January, 8pm – 9pm

GCSE Modern Languages – Changes to the GCSE Specification from Summer 2020

Published: 05/02/2020, 11:00am

Please note the circular S/IF/54/19 issued in September 2019 setting out changes to the GCSE Specification from Summer 2020