GCSE French (2017)

The CCEA GCSE French specification develops students’ enthusiasm for the language while increasing their confidence in the four key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Three contexts for learning provide plenty of variety and scope for investigating, understanding, describing, discussing and giving opinions. The contexts are:

  • identity, lifestyle and culture
  • local, national, international and global areas of interest
  • school life, studies and the world of work.

This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Modern Languages Area of Learning.

There is an external examination for each of the specification’s four assessment units, each worth 25% of the overall mark. The teacher conducts and records the speaking exam for our examiners to mark, and students have the opportunity to prepare one of the conversation topics in advance.

This specification is unitised, so it’s possible to take part of the assessment at the end of the first year of study.

The specification has four units:

  • Unit 1: Listening
  • Unit 2: Speaking
  • Unit 3: Reading
  • Unit 4: Writing.

Current Specification

First teaching: from September 2017
First assessment: from Summer 2018
First award: from Summer 2019
QAN: 603/1066/2
Subject code: 5650
Guided learning hours: 120
Qualification level: 1/2

Skills developed through our GCSE French

This specification supports the Northern Ireland Curriculum at Key Stage 4 and gives students further opportunities to achieve their potential and develop skills for life. These skills include communication, presenting information effectively in speech and writing, analytical skills, cross-cultural skills, working effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and understanding local and global perspectives.

A GCSE in French also helps to equip students with transferable skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and independent thinking. These prepare you to succeed in a variety of careers such as business, education and many other professional fields. Students may also choose to progress to GCE French.

For more information on this specification contact:

Barbara Laffitte-Fitou
Subject Officer
(028) 9590 5145
Joan Jennings
Specification Support Officer
(028) 9026 1439