Entry Level Geography (2015)

The CCEA Entry Level Geography specification gives learners the opportunity to develop a sense of place and an appreciation of the local and global environment.

The specification provides opportunities to explore topics and themes in physical and human geography.

This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Environment and Society Area of Learning.

Entry Level qualifications can help learners to expand their knowledge, increase their confidence and demonstrate achievement. This includes some who might not be ready for a course at GCSE level or equivalent.

This specification is made up of units, and learners can gain a qualification at Entry Level 1, 2 or 3. For each unit, learners produce a portfolio of work to show how they’ve met the assessment criteria; there are no exams.

There are eight units:

Physical Geography

  • Unit 1: Changeable Weather
  • Unit 2: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
  • Unit 3: Rivers and Flooding
  • Unit 4: Coasts

Human Geography

  • Unit 5: Development Issues
  • Unit 6: Managing Resources
  • Unit 7: Population
  • Unit 8: Settlement.

Learners must complete three physical geography units and three human geography units to achieve the qualification.

Current Specification

First teaching: from September 2015
First award: from Summer 2016
QAN: 601/5587/5
Subject code: 3910
Guided learning hours: 120
Qualification level: Entry 1/2/3

Skills developed through our Entry Level Geography

This qualification aims to help learners prepare for working and adult life by developing employability and independent living skills. It emphasises learning by doing, with a focus on transferable skills that learners will need in a changing and dynamic working environment.

The specification provides opportunities for learners to develop the following skills:

  • Communication
  • Using mathematics
  • Using ICT
  • Self-management
  • Working with others
  • Problem-solving.

They also develop employability skills when working with others.

Those who complete this qualification can progress to other Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2 or GCSE qualifications, or to related training courses.

For more information on this specification contact:

Petula Henderson
Subject Officer
(028) 9590 6709
Arlene Ashfield
Specification Support Officer
(028) 9590 6678

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