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In Science, pupils have opportunities to explore a range of topics and develop Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities using scientific methods of enquiry. Pupils learn about:
- Organisms and Health
- Chemical and Material Behaviour
- Forces and Energy
- Earth and Universe.
This subject strand encourages pupils to further their scientific knowledge and understanding through planning investigations, obtaining evidence, and presenting and interpreting results.
Pupils should have opportunities to develop creative and critical thinking in their approach to solving scientific problems. They should also develop their practical skills by carrying out experiments and demonstrate self-management by working systematically.
Key Elements
The key elements that underpin the curriculum objectives are key issues for modern society. The statutory requirements for this subject strand make these key elements explicit.
For further details, see the Statutory Requirements for Science at Key Stage 3 and the Key Stage 3 Non-Statutory Guidance for Science.
For more information on Science, contact: