Modern Languages

Modern Languages

Modern Languages is a compulsory Area of Learning at Key Stage 3. It gives pupils opportunities to develop effective communication skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing in a target language. Pupils must study at least one official language of the European Union.

This Area of Learning encourages pupils to explore their personal sense of place in their local area and in the wider world, developing their awareness of cultural diversity. It prepares pupils for moving comfortably between a range of cultural environments.

Pupils have opportunities to read a range of stimuli in the target language. This helps them to develop understanding of the richness of language as a means of communication and creative expression. They also learn to apply language-specific skills to real-life situations.

Key Elements

The key elements that underpin the curriculum objectives are key issues for modern society. The statutory requirements for this Area of Learning make these key elements explicit.

For further details, see the Statutory Requirements for Modern Languages at Key Stage 3 and the Key Stage 3 Non-Statutory Guidance for Modern Languages.

Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities

Pupils should have opportunities to develop their Cross-Curricular Skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT, and their Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities through Modern Languages.

OLA Languages

Our OLA French, OLA German, OLA Irish and OLA Spanish qualifications can help pupils progress through the early stages of language learning. They can be valuable enrichment courses throughout post-primary and are especially suitable at Key Stage 3. These qualifications provide short-term language learning goals and reward achievement at four levels: Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2.

Considering Irish as a GCSE?

Considering German as a GCSE?

Considering German as a GCSE?


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