
In Music, pupils have opportunities to develop the core musical skills of composing, performing and listening, and the Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities. Pupils develop their knowledge, understanding and skills by encountering these core activities in a variety of contexts, learning about both making and responding to music.

Music activities encourage pupils to explore and combine the elements of music (pitch, rhythm, dynamics, timbre and texture) to create structure and style when improvising and composing. They perform individually and in groups, using existing and emerging music technology resources.

Pupils should have opportunities to develop their skills in:

  • expressing and communicating their thoughts, ideas and feelings through making and responding to music;
  • critical thinking and skilful decision-making when combining the elements of music to create compositions and performances; and
  • self-management by working independently and systematically, persisting with tasks, and evaluating and improving their own performance.

Key Elements

The key elements that underpin the curriculum objectives are key issues for modern society. The statutory requirements for this subject strand make these key elements explicit.

For further details, see the Statutory Requirements for Music at Key Stage 3 and the Key Stage 3 Non-Statutory Guidance for Music.


For more information on Music, contact: