Become an examiner with CCEA

Become an Examiner/Moderator with CCEA


Before applying to become an Examiner/Moderator with CCEA, read our GCSE and GCE (AS/A2) frequently asked questions.

How do I meet the criteria for the post of examiner/moderator?

The essential criteria states that you must hold a degree in the subject for which you are applying, or in a related discipline. For example, if you are applying for Journalism and don't hold a degree in Journalism, a related discipline would be English.

You must also be a qualified teacher who has taught GCSE or A level, depending on which qualification you are applying to examine/moderate. You normally need to have been teaching for one year.

However, given the vocational context of some applied subjects, industry expertise may also be considered in some cases. If you're unsure, check with the subject officer before applying . Their contact details can be found on the relevant subject areas of our site. They will be pleased to give advice regarding eligibility to examine in their subject.

Is guidance provided?

Yes, you will receive guidance and support as outlined below.

You will be given the following documents:

  • An Instructions to Examiners booklet for the Standardising of Marking. This contains general instructions such as preparation for the Standardising Meeting. There are separate instructions booklets for online and manual marking.
  • A detailed written mark scheme.

For manually marked scripts

  • You will be required to provisionally mark an advance allocation of 20 examination scripts. This gives you an opportunity to highlight any issues or difficulties in marking that may arise as you prepare for the Standardising Meeting. You will then be asked to discuss any issues with the Supervising Examiner at the Standardising Meeting.
  • At the Standardising Meeting, you will work through a selection of photocopied scripts where the application of the mark scheme will be discussed. The Supervising Examiner will give you feedback at the meeting on your application of the mark scheme in a supportive and encouraging environment.
  • Within two days after the Standardising Meeting, you will be required to forward 15 marked scripts to your Supervising Examiner. A sample of these will then be remarked by your Supervising Examiner and feedback given to you in writing.
  • At the halfway point through your marking period, you will be required to send a further 25 marked scripts to your supervising examiner as your second sample. Again, you will receive feedback.
  • Your Supervising Examiner will act as a mentor and you can contact him/her by telephone throughout the marking process.

For scripts marked online

  • If you haven’t engaged in online marking before, you will be given face to face training and support on what is a very straightforward user-friendly system. Help is available throughout the process (though the system is so user-friendly additional help is seldom required).
  • Prior to the Standardising Meeting, you will log on to the system and provisionally mark a minimum of 10 scripts in simulation mode using the mark scheme provided.
  • You will attend the Standardising Meeting and will have the opportunity to raise any issues or difficulties you found with the mark scheme you have worked from.
  • During the Standardising Meeting, you will be asked to mark some training scripts on - screen for the Supervising Examiner. Feedback on your application of the mark scheme will be provided at the meeting
  • As a first sample, you will mark a further 5 standardising scripts, which you will send to the Supervising Examiner who will then provide you with feedback.
  • Further into the process, you will mark a further 5 standardising scripts and send these to the Supervising Examiner, again receiving feedback.
  • As with manual marking, your supervising examiner will act as a mentor during the process and you can contact them at any time using the details provided.

How many scripts do I mark?

A normal allocation for GCSE may vary from 250 to 350 scripts. The minimum allocation for GCE is generally 150 scripts. In your first year, you may be asked to mark a reduced allocation.

How much time is allocated to marking scripts?

There is usually three weeks in which to complete the marking - though this might vary depending on the entry figures for a subject.

How much time do I need out of school and is substitute cover provided?

You will need one day out of school/college to attend the Standardising Meeting for each unit you intend to mark. If the meeting is held on a teaching day, you must seek prior permission from your Head of Centre to attend. YES, substitute cover will be provided. You will need to set aside time within your own schedule for your marking.

How do I receive and return the examination scripts and OMR mark sheets?

You will pick up the examination scripts and OMR sheets at the end of the Standardising Meeting (manual marking only). After marking, you can deliver these in person to CCEA or alternatively post the OMR mark sheets by recorded delivery to CCEA and arrange with CCEA for collection of the scripts from your school or preferred collection address.

Are there any other duties involved in this process?

YES. You will be required to total the marks given throughout and on the front cover of each examination paper; transferring the total mark to an OMR (Optical Mark Reading) sheet (manual marking only). Online marking does not require this administrative task as the system does this for you.

You will also be asked to write and forward a brief report on candidates’ responses to the question paper to your supervising examiner. This helps inform the Chief Examiner’s report and is a valuable teaching and learning tool for centres.