RHS Campaign for School Gardening – they also provide a free start-up kit and newsletters. (schoolgardening.rhs.org.uk/about-us)
Garden Organic School’s Resources (gardenorganic.org.uk/schools)
Countryside Classroom (countrysideclassroom.org.uk)
Gardening with Children (www.gardeningwithchildren.co.uk)
Education for Sustainable Development Forum (eefni.org.uk)
Eatwell Guide (www.foodafactoflife.org.uk)
British Nutrition Foundation (nutrition.org.uk)
Food Growing in Schools Taskforce, March 2012 (foodgrowingschools.org)
Food in Schools Policy (education-ni.gov.uk)
Local garden centres will probably stock everything you need, but when it comes to buying either early or late maturing varieties of fruit, dwarf fruit trees and/or heritage varieties, then a specialist website is preferable, as they have a much greater variety available.
Dobies of Devon (dobies.co.uk)
Sutton’s Seeds (suttons.co.uk)
D.T. Brown (dtbrownseeds.co.uk)
Thompson and Morgan (thompson-morgan.com)
Organic Centre (theorganiccentre.ie/shop)
Irish Seed Savers (irishseedsavers.ie)
Westland Horticulture (gardenhealth.com/about)
Ken Muir (www.kenmuir.co.uk)
Brogdale - home of the UK’s national fruit collection (brogdaleonline.co.uk)
Pomona Fruits (pomonafruits.co.uk)
Irish Seed Savers (irishseedsavers.ie/shop)
Future Forests (futureforests.net)
Blackmoor Fruit Nursery (blackmoor.co.uk)