Literacy Activity

Bread is a major part of our diet. Indeed it is central to the diets of many people around the world. Nutritionists recommend we choose wholemeal and high fibre cereals as part of our healthy plate. Bread has a role to play here and it doesn’t have to be bland! Check out this video to learn about the variety of bread that comes from around the world.

Before playing the video:

  • Ask the children how many breads they can name.

After watching it, ask them:

  • How many breads can you name that the bakers were making?
  • What different activities did you see the bakers doing?

Then ask them to describe:

  • three things they already knew;
  • two things they learned from the video; and
  • one question they still have about what they watched.

In small groups, ask the children to find the meaning of each adjective below:

  • wholesome
  • nutritious
  • artisan
  • numerous
  • proficient
  • pliable

For example, pliable means flexible and easily bent into different shapes without breaking.

Then ask the children to use each adjective in a sentence to talk about what they have seen in the video. For example, the skilled baker uses the pliable dough to make many delicious breads.

Now in their groups, ask the children to use a thesaurus to find synonyms for each adjective and verb below:

  • good
  • appetising
  • change
  • fast
  • knead
  • nice

For example, nice: marvellous or delightful.

Then ask them to discuss sentences that they could use to describe what they observed in the video. For example, the baker skilfully creates lots of marvellous/delightful breads.


As a class, collate all the sentence ideas and carry out a shared writing activity to summarise the video.

Local Breads

Learn about local breads and use it as a springboard for a range of curriculum activities.

Local Breads Factsheet
PDF - 2.3 MB

Potato Bread of the Past

Potato Bread of Today

Thank you to the staff at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum and The Yellow Door Bakery in the making of these videos.

Before playing the videos, ask the class to guess what will happen in them. Tell the class to watch carefully and then play the videos.

After watching them, ask the class:

  • What did you see?
  • What do you think is happening?

For these videos, we recommend playing them the first time without sound, so you don't hear the narration.

Ask the class to write down as many similarities between the two videos as they can. Then do the same for the differences. If they get stuck, prompt them to think about:

  • ingredients;
  • utensils; and
  • cooking methods.

Lead a discussion with the class based on the two videos. This might include questions such as:

  • Using evidence from the videos, what have you learned about:
    • cooking in Victorian times; and
    • cooking in the present?
  • How have cooking methods changed over the years?
  • Can you give some reasons for the differences between then and now?
  • Is there anything else you want to know?

In pairs, ask the class to use one word to describe what they saw. How many words can they come up with?

Ask the class: What if technology had not advanced how we make potato bread?

In pairs, ask them to discuss plus, minus and interesting ways to think about the question.

If they’re stuck for ideas, prompt them to think about:

  • What are the advantages of technology?
  • What are the disadvantages of technology?
  • What are the interesting points about the question?

Take it further

Ask the class: How might technology be used in food production in the future?

If they’re stuck for ideas, prompt them to think about:

  • 3D printing;
  • unmanned aerial vehicles (drones);
  • lab-grown meat; and
  • edible packaging.

Cook-a-Long with Simon Dougan: Making potato bread

If you missed the webinar you can still cook-a-long with Simon using the video below.  There are a number of things you will need ready before you start.

Thank you to the pupils at Portadown Integrated Primary School who joined Simon Dougan to make potato bread in their classroom.

Joining Instructions
PDF - 532 KB

Simon Dougan was interviewed by two pupils from Portadown Integrated Primary School.  Watch the interview here.

Potato Bread Enterprise School Challenge

On 12 June 2018, pupils from McKinney Primary School in Dundrod showed off their innovative and entrepreneurial skills in the cooking and selling of potato bread as part of the schools’ challenge event hosted by Yellow Door and supported by the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA).

The Get Cooking Campaign started on 23 March with the release of several resources to support Key Stage 2 teachers and led up to a Cook-a-Long webinar of making potato bread with Simon and Jilly Dougan from Yellow Door on 24 April 2018. 250 pupils from across 10 primary schools in Northern Ireland took part in the webinar. The Schools Enterprise Challenge was launched during the webinar and McKinney Primary School decided to take on the challenge and created their own sweet potato, bacon and chive potato bread.

McKinney Primary School Project: Sweet potato, bacon and chive potato bread
PDF - 1.2 MB

Melanie Mulligan, CCEA’s Curriculum and Assessment Primary Education Manager, commented on the event; "Today’s event is an extension of the Get Cooking Campaign resources and culminated in an enterprise challenge intended to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship amongst our primary school pupils.

You couldn’t help but be impressed by the infectious enthusiasm and creativity displayed by the children of McKinney Primary School. Engaging with employers brings greater meaning and relevant to learning and gives pupils the chance to learn about and from the world of work."

Useful Documents

Using the Enterprise Resource and Maths Challenge resources below, schools can set up and run their own enterprise to design, make and sell a new flavour of potato bread (or different homegrown product) to their school community, friends and family.

Don’t forget to share your Challenge results online with us on Twitter @CCEA_info and Facebook and use the hashtags #getcooking #growingforthefuture.