
February can still be really cold and there isn’t much to do outside in the veg garden.

To Do List

  • As the days lengthen you could grow pea shoots and/or cress indoors in pots on a bright window sill (see September).
  • Order or buy the seeds for the crops you want to grow this season. Catalogues have great variety or buy from the local garden centre what you need.
  • Now is probably your last chance to buy bare rooted fruit trees for your garden. Potted trees can be sourced at any time of the year but are more expensive.
  • As in January, if you have established fruit trees and bushes now would be a good time to prune them.

You could be sowing or planting:

  • Seed potatoes

Start sprouting (chitting) seed potatoes. To ensure a crop of baby potatoes before the end of June, early varieties are best and will mature in about 10 weeks, e.g. Swift, Rocket, Desiree, Pentland Javelin, or Charlotte potatoes. Special seed potatoes can be ordered on-line or bought at most garden centres.