Sa rannán tacaíochta d’Eochairchéim 3 taispeántar na himeachtaí, na háiseanna foghlama agus na cúrsaí ar líne atá ar fáil. Dearadh iad le cuidiú le múinteoirí Curaclam Thuaisceart Éireann a chur i bhfeidhm go héifeachtach.
Supporting Teacher Education and Professional Learning
If you support teacher education or you’re a student teacher, early career teacher or established teacher, this section offers relevant support for
BCEC1&2EC3EC4SROBéarlaFoghlaim Ghníomhach agus Modhanna Gníomhacha Teagaisc d’Eochairchéim 3
Tá d’aidhm ag an Churaclam Leasaithe daoine óga a chumasú lena n-acmhainneacht a fhorbairt mar dhaoine aonair, agus cinntí eolasacha freagracha a d
EC3GINGDíolaim Tascanna agus Eiseamláirithe
Tascanna CCEA agus eiseamláiriú daltaí sa Chumarsáid, Úsáid Mata, agus Úsáid TFC ag EC1, 2 agus 3
EC1&2EC3GINGCurriculum Monitoring Programme
In 2018/19, CCEA initiated a curriculum monitoring programme, designed to allow us to hear the views of teachers and other stakeholders about the c
BCEC1&2EC3EC4I16SROBéarlaGTreoir Ghasta ar an Churaclam do Thuismitheoirí
Cur síos ar a mbeadh súil leis agus do pháiste ag tosú ar an bhunscoil agus/nó ar an iar-bhunscoil.
RSBCEC1&2EC3GINGIntroduction to C#
Link to a course for Key Stage 3 on programming with C#.
EC3EC4GINBéarlaWellbeing Hub
This Wellbeing Hub shows how the Northern Ireland Curriculum promotes the learning and development of skills that support pupils’ wellbeing and men
BCEC1&2EC3EC4I16SROBéarlaGA Window On Special
'A Window on Special' is a collection of short videos from schools and educational establishments in Northern Ireland, giving a snapshot of the edu
RSBCEC1&2EC3EC4I16SROBéarlaParents' Guides to the Northern Ireland Curriculum
Primary and post-primary guides to what and how children learn, how to support what they’re doing at school and where to find out more
RSBCEC1&2EC3GINBéarlaModern Languages Symposium
Notes and recommendations from Supporting Progression Pathways for Learners, a half-day symposium facilitated by CCEA on 12 March 2019
EC1&2EC3EC4GINBéarlaProgress File
Personal development portfolio for Years 8 to 14.
EC3EC4I16GINBéarlaUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Resource Hub
CCEA and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) have partnered
EC1&2EC3GINBéarlaGSoftware Systems Development - Teacher Area
This course will provide an introduction to your role and responsibilities as a CCEA Examiner. Please see downloads for log in information.
EC3EC4I16GINBéarlaProgressFile - Widening Horizons
Widening Horizons contains a range of personal development support materials for teachers and Post 16 learners
EC3EC4I16GINBéarlaProgressFile - Moving On
Moving On contains a range of personal development support materials for teachers and Key Stage 4 learners
Log in to Moving On
EC3EC4I16GINBéarlaProgressFile - Getting Started
Getting Started contains a range of personal development support materials for teachers and Key Stage 3 learners
EC3EC4I16GINBéarlaPrerequisite Skills (Q Skills)
The Prerequisite Skills, or more commonly known as Q Skills, are an assessment resource to support teachers and classroom assistants.
BCEC1&2EC3SROBéarlaSnas agus Blas – Leabhar 1
Sraith acmhainní chun tacú le foghlaim agus teagasc na Gaeilge in Eochairchéim 3.
(Logáil isteach de dhíth)