Curriculum resources, video and links for teachers and parents/carers on issues such as digital security, cyberbullying and sextortion
Support, links and teaching and learning suggestions to help ensure progression in 10 PDMU concepts at Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Supplements The Northern Ireland Curriculum Primary document with a focus on learning, teaching, assessment and creating an effective environment
An external video-based resource on speech, language and communication needs from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Ideas for creating playful environments, experiences and interactions, with progression across pre-school, Foundation Stage, and Key Stages 1 and 2
Preparing children for a digital world, enabling them to have the prerequisite skills to access technology and to use it safely.
Links to CCEA resources at Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 that explore rich, diverse cultural influences, traditions and heritage
Teachers! Explore interactive resources showing how the curriculum and CCEA qualifications connect and reward learning from ages 3-19
Tá raon áiseanna agus gníomhaíochtaí digiteacha ar fáil ar an suíomh seo atá bunaithe ar a bhfuil ar fáil cheana sa chlár clóite agus ar forbairt iad
This online resource can support learning about how we can use health professionals and health services in our community.
Tugann an leabhar seo deis do pháistí idir ceithre agus ocht mbliana d’aois bheith ag foghlaim faoi airgead trí shúgradh dírithe.
If you support teacher education or you’re a student teacher, early career teacher or established teacher, this section offers relevant support for