Statutory Assessment at a Glance

Schools have a statutory requirement to assess and report on the Areas of Learning, the Cross-Curricular Skills (Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT) and the Other Skills (Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities).

The table below shows the statutory assessment requirements for the Foundation Stage.

  Foundation Stage
Year 1 Year 2
Assess pupil progress in each Area of Learning.
Assess pupil progress in the Cross-Curricular Skills of Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT.
(See the Developmental Stages section for more information.)
Assess pupil progress in the Other Skills (Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities).

Schools can choose how they wish to carry out statutory assessment in the Foundation Stage. As part of this process, teachers should plan to assess across the curriculum, using a variety of assessment approaches that allow pupils to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do.