eCandidate Record Sheets (eCRS) FAQs

Who can register to use eCRS?

Multiple teachers or an individual teacher can be registered for a specific unit to complete the eCRS.

Do all registered teachers have the same access?

No. When multiple teachers are registered for the same unit, one of the teachers must be identified as the 'lead teacher'. The 'lead teacher' will have additional facilities to make the final submission of marks.

When can I register?

Once you have agreed within your department who will be registered as the 'lead teacher' / 'teacher' you can be registered.

How do I register?

Contact the Exams Officer in your centre. The Exams Officer can register you via the CCEA Central Login application. Once registered, you will receive an email with your login details.

Where do I login and how?

Use the 'Login Here' button on the E-Moderation microsite. Enter your login details and select the eCandidate Record Sheet application.

Do I have to wait until the entries are on with CCEA before I start recording marks?

No. There is a facility to upload a pre-entry list of candidates, so you can begin recording marks for assignments as soon as they are available during the course. Marks must be recorded in the series you intend submitting work for moderation. Completing the process can only take place after the actual entries have been made with CCEA by the Exams Officer.

Why do I get an error message when I try to download the template or mark sheet?

Your internet setting may need updated. Try the following:

  • Open Internet Explorer
  • Go to Tools > Internet Options
  • Click on the 'Advanced Tab'
  • Scroll down to 'Security'
  • De-select 'Do not save encrypted pages to disk' (this should be set to off in the default Internet Explorer setting)
  • Click 'OK'
  • Try and Download again

Do I have to complete the comments box on the eCandidate Record Sheet?

Completing the comments box on the eCandidate Record Sheets varies from subject to subject. Please refer to the subject specific section of the E-Moderation microsite for guidance on each subject.

What is the teacher code?

The teacher code is a short unique reference to identify each teacher who has marked the controlled assessment (eg teacher's initials).

What are teacher codes used for?

Teacher codes are used to link candidates with the teacher who marked the controlled assessment. This information will also be used when confirming Internal Standardisation has been carried out.

Who sets up the teacher codes?

All registered users for the unit have access to 'manage teacher codes'. The 'teacher' or the 'lead teacher' can set up all the codes or they can be set up individually by each teacher.

How do I find my teacher code?

If your teacher code has already been set up you can view this in the 'manage teacher codes'. If your teacher code has not been set up you can add your name and a short unique reference (eg your initials) in the 'manage teacher codes'.

Can I change the marks if I make a mistake or a change is required?

Yes. Marks can be changed as necessary up until the closing date for the submission of marks.

What is the DEADLINE for recording marks?

The deadline for submission of online marks for each series can be viewed under the Key Dates menu option. Please note that marks must be submitted no later than 5.00 pm on the given date. The process can be completed and submitted by the 'lead teacher' before this date.

How do I record marks for candidates from other centres within a consortium?

The candidate details will appear on your eCRS screen providing the JCQ consortium arrangements form has been submitted to CCEA by 31 January and the candidate has been entered by the Exams Officer from the candidate's own centre.

Marks can be recorded for centres in a consortium prior to entries being made, as long as the consortium has been registered with CCEA. Once a consortium has been registered, the lead centre can manually add candidates from the other centres and record marks for them.

Who will complete the process / submit marks?

Only the registered 'lead teacher' can make the final submission, which will include confirming Internal Standardisation and Authentication has been completed. The 'lead teacher' will have additional tabs available to complete the process.

How can I make the final submission if the entry information is different to the eCRS screen?

If the candidate is:

  • still entered with CCEA but has not provided work for assessment: Record the candidate as 'Absent'.
  • no longer entered with CCEA and their details are still on the eCRS screen: If work has been provided, check with the Exams Officer why the entry has been removed, and either delete the candidate details from the eCRS screen or if appropriate, arrange for the candidate to be re-entered.
  • not entered with CCEA but has provided work for assessment: Arrange with the Exams Officer to enter the candidate. When the entry is on CCEA's system the eCRS screen will be updated the following day or you can update the screen on the same day by clicking 'Import entries from CCEA'.

How will I know if I have completed the process successfully?

Lead teachers will receive a printable on-screen message and an email confirming successful submission.

How do I prepare my samples for collection?

  • Prepare samples as requested on the sample list;
  • All samples should have a 'Sample cover sheet' (available on E-Moderation microsite), completed and attached to the front of each sample;
  • Do not send (hardcopy/printed) Candidate Record Sheets with samples;
  • Place samples in rank order;
  • Include top and bottom candidate if not already requested on the sample list.
  • For GCSE Gaeilge and GCE Music, recorded samples are submitted using the ePortfolio application.