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Contract for Services with CCEA

Payment Information

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I make sure I get paid?

In addition to submitting your properly completed and authorised claim in a timely manner, payment can only be made if you have completed and returned the following two forms:

1. CCEA Personal Data Form

CCEA cannot process payment for work completed unless the Personal Data Form has been submitted.

All new and existing Contracts for Services personnel are required to provide additional information to comply with new pensions legislation and HMRC regulations. Without this information CCEA will be unable to pay you for work done.

Please download CCEA Personal Data Form (Interactive PDF) to your computer, open with Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete and submit.

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  1. Save the application form to your computer - right click and choose "Save Target As".
  2. Navigate to where you saved the document on your computer and open with Adobe Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

2. BACS Payment Authorisation Form

CCEA pay all Contracts for Services personnel directly into their bank account by the BACS system.

To ensure that CCEA have the correct bank details for you, please also complete and return the BACS Payment Authorisation Form to enable us to make payment to you.

Therefore it is advisable that you ensure both of these forms are completed and returned to avoid any delays in payment.

2. I used to be tax exempt, so why am I being taxed now?

HMRC have changed the rules and individuals are no longer able to declare themselves tax exempt (the “tax exempt” form is now obsolete). The default position is that now basic rate tax is deducted. If you think you should not be paying tax on your CCEA earnings, you must contact HMRC on 0300 200 3300 quoting CCEA’s P.A.Y.E. reference number 925/NZ55575 and explain that you have been subject to basic rate tax.

If applicable, HMRC will issue CCEA with a new tax code , which we will apply and (if applicable) you will receive a tax refund in the next payment run. We can only accept this tax code from HMRC.

3. Why is CCEA moving to a monthly payroll?

The requirements of the pension legislation make it difficult for employers to operate a large weekly payroll where payments fluctuate, as is the case with payments to Contract for Services personnel.

4. When will I get paid each month?

The below table indicates the payment processing dates (i.e. the date that payments will be sent via the BACS system) for 2020/21.

If your claim has been included in the relevant month’s payment, this will appear in your bank account 2-3 working days after the payment processing date.

Month Final Claims Processing Date Payment Date
April 2020 Fri 24th Wed 29th
May 2020 Fri 22nd Thur 28th
June 2020 Wed 24th Mon 29th
July 2020 Mon 27th Thur 30th
August 2020 Mon 24th Thur 27th
September 2020 Thur 24th Tues 29th
October 2020 Mon 26th Thur 29th
November 2020 Tues 24th Fri 27th
December 2020 Thur 17th Tues 22nd
January 2021 Mon 25th Thur 28th
February 2021 Mon 22nd Thur 25th
March 2021 Thur 25th Tues 30th

* This is the final date that Financial Services will process properly authorised claims received. Financial Services do not guarantee that claims received on or just before this date will be processed in that month.
** Payment will only be made to individuals who have provided CCEA both completed compulsory personal data and bank details
(see question 1).

5. I submitted my claim before the payment processing date so why was I not paid this month?

CCEA aim to process all appropriately authorised claims received before the payment processing date (see question 4 for payment processing dates). Claims for payment of fees and expenses will be processed in order of date received therefore you should submit your claim as soon as possible to allow your claim to go through the authorisation procedure before it can be forwarded to Finance for payment.

In some cases, there may be other processing requirements that will stipulate when payments can be made regardless of when your claim was returned and received e.g. for invigilation, marking scripts, moderation, etc.

Whilst CCEA will attempt to process all claims received before the payment processing date, we cannot guarantee that all claims will be processed for payment in time for that month. During busy peak periods (e.g. summer examination series), it may take us longer than normal due to volume, resources and amount of queries/issues that CCEA receives.

CCEA must also have received all of your relevant personal data and bank details (see question 1).

6. When will I get paid for my invigilation work?

Payment will be issued on a monthly basis. We aim to process and authorise claims for invigilation as soon as they are received form from the centre provided there are no queries with the claim. Invigilation claims will then be ready for payment and will be paid either in the same month or the following month depending on whether it is before or after the payment processing date (see question 4 for payment processing dates).

Invigilators should also note that the questionnaire must be completed for each examination series (e.g. if you completed one for invigilation work carried out in January and carry out invigilation work again for the Summer series, you will need to complete another one related to that series). Failure to complete the questionnaire for each examination series and return the compulsory forms (see question 1) will result in delays in payment to you.

7. When will I be paid for marking scripts? Will I be paid as soon as I return the completed scripts?

No, payment will not be paid as soon as you return your marked scripts. As stated in the invitation letter to the Standardising Meeting, payment is made after the awarding meeting for each subject has been completed. If you would like to know the date of the awarding meeting for your subject please contact the CfS Team on 028 9026 1294 or 028 9026 1243 or by email to [email protected].

We aim to process and authorise claims for script marking within 7 working days after the end of the awarding meeting. The marking fees will then be ready for payment and will be paid either in the same month or the following month depending on whether it is before or after the payment processing date (see question 4 for payment processing dates).

8. I am a moderator, when will I be paid for the moderation work I have completed?

Moderation work will not be paid until the end of the moderation period for the whole examination series in question. The moderation work will need to go through authorisation processes before payments can be processed so your payment may be paid either in the same month as the end of moderation period or the following month. This will depend on whether it is before or after that month’s payment processing date (see question 4 for payment processing dates).

9. I have been automatically enrolled into the NEST scheme, how do I opt out?

See question 19 - How do I opt out? on our Pension Information page under the Frequently Asked Questions for further information.