Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to explore the Book of Kells and create their own Celtic artwork.
View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil booklet.
Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to create and animate a celtic story using ICT.
View the interactive Prezi and explore how the monks made one of the most famous illuminated manuscripts.
Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to examine the use of figures and symbols in the Book of Kells and summarise a story about Jesus
View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil Booklet.
Key Stage 2 resource that will introduce pupils to the art and context of the Book of Kells and explore the meaning and importance of research
View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil Booklet.