Exploring the Book of Kells: Pupil Workbook (PDF 1.7 KB)

Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to explore the Book of Kells and create their own Celtic artwork.

Exploring the Book of Kells: Prezi Interactive Presentation

View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil booklet.

The Making of the Book of Kells: Pupil Workbook (PDF 2.9 KB)

Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to create and animate a celtic story using ICT.

The Making of the Book of Kells: Prezi Interactive Presentation

View the interactive Prezi and explore how the monks made one of the most famous illuminated manuscripts.

Figures in the Book of Kells: Pupil Workbook (PDF 2.6 MB)

Key Stage 2 resource that will allow pupils to examine the use of figures and symbols in the Book of Kells and summarise a story about Jesus

Figures in the Book of Kells: Prezi Interactive Presentation

View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil Booklet.

Animals & Creatures in the Book of Kells: Pupil Workbook (PDF 1.8 MB)

Key Stage 2 resource that will introduce pupils to the art and context of the Book of Kells and explore the meaning and importance of research

Animals & Creatures in the Book of Kells: Prezi Interactive Presentation

View the interactive Prezi and take the 'Big Quiz' in the Pupil Booklet.