ISO Standards

CCEA employs five International Standards Organisation (ISO) standards to drive forward improvements in its business.

  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 45001
  • ISO 20000-1
  • ISO 27001

Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Standards

The ISO Integrated Management Systems

CCEA utilises ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 to improve its compliance and performance across its business. It provides a framework and a level of rigor to deliver improvements in relation to quality, environmental and occupational health and safety performance.

An outline of the standards and their application within CCEA has been provided below:

ISO 9001, Quality Management System

ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management. ISO 9001 ensures that CCEA has robust quality assurance procedures to ensure its products and services are of a high standard as would be expected by its customers. It encourages a framework of feedback and corrective/preventive action where issues arise. ISO 9001 also demands that CCEA commits to quality improvement and that it has a documented system in place for its processes that is regularly monitored and reviewed.

Using the ISO 9001 standard has given CCEA a framework on which to demonstrate management commitment to quality systems and outputs. It also enables CCEA to drive forward improvements which can lead to:

  • enhanced confidence for customers and stakeholders;
  • more efficient and cost-effective processes;
  • reduced costs; and
  • reduction in errors and complaints.

ISO 9001 was the first management standard introduced by CCEA. It lies at the heart of CCEAs quality improvement journey and is fundamental to how CCEA does business.

ISO 14001, Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 is the most widely used standard for environmental management in the world. Certification to ISO 14001 requires that CCEA is committed to three fundamental principles:

  • prevention of pollution;
  • compliance with legislation; and
  • continual improvement of CCEA’s impact on the environment.

These commitments help drive improvements in CCEA’s environmental performance.

In terms of environmental improvements, CCEA focuses on those aspects of its business which have the most significant impact on the environment whether positive or negative. These key aspects include paper consumption, energy usage and waste. CCEA’s also supports sustainability through its development of, and ongoing support of curriculum themes such as The World Around Us, Environment and Society and ECO World; the aim of which is to influence and educate young people to understand the need for sustainability and the impact their activities have on the environment.

Using ISO 14001 ensures that CCEA has mechanisms in place to demonstrate how it identifies, records and complies with all relevant environmental legislation.

CCEA’s environmental improvement objectives have contributed to a reduction in costs which represents good business sense for CCEA and for the public.

ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO 45001 superseded OHSAS 18001 as the International Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard. Using ISO 45001 has enabled CCEA to identify and either eliminate or minimize risk to employees and visitors. It ensures people are at the core of an organisation’s processes and decisions. It provides a framework through which CCEA can ensure all relevant legislation is identified and compliance assured. The standard has a focus on health and well-being as well as safety and therefore ensures that CCEA provides an environment and conditions which facilitate staff well-being and promotes health. This means:

  • reducing down-time caused by incidents and ill health and thereby managing operating costs more effectively;
  • improving stakeholder relationships through safeguarding the health and property of staff, customers and suppliers;
  • ensuring compliance with all relevant legislation through the requirement to demonstrate that CCEA identifies, records and implements statutory and regulatory requirements; and
  • improving risk management achieved through clear identification of potential incidents/risks, implementation of controls and measures and thereby reducing cost associated with legal fees and compensation.

CCEA’s external certification to the three ISO standards is achieved through external assessment and validation by qualified, accredited and independent assessors.

These reaccreditation assessments take place twice a year and form a rigorous process on which CCEA can improve on.

ICT Standards

CCEA also utilises:

  • ISO 20000-1, IT Service Management

  • ISO 27001, Information Security Management

Further information

For further information on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 20000-1 and/or ISO 27001 and how CCEA implements and manages the standards, please contact [email protected].